| € 0.84 /Pcs.€ 0.070/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400200![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.899 / Pcs. € 0.075 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.33 /Pcs.€ 0.083/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165412![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.913 / Pcs. € 0.089 / Pcs. € 8.33 / Pcs. € 0.083 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 14.09 /m€ 0.14/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 151230![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 15.076 / m € 0.15 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 7.85 /Pcs.€ 0.079/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165212![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.40 / Pcs. € 0.084 / Pcs. € 7.85 / Pcs. € 0.079 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.98 /Pcs.€ 0.010/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 641710![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.049 / Pcs. € 0.01 / Pcs. € 0.98 / Pcs. € 0.010 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 48.41 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164501![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 51.799 / Pcs. € 48.41 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.20 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164201![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.314 / Pcs. € 30.20 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.79 /Pcs.€ 0.149/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400600![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.915 / Pcs. € 0.160 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.60 /Pcs.€ 2.383/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 260105![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.602 / Pcs. € 2.55 / m € 28.60 / Pcs. € 2.383 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.18 /Pcs.€ 0.032/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 641760![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.403 / Pcs. € 0.034 / Pcs. € 3.18 / Pcs. € 0.032 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.20 /Pcs.€ 0.344/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165532![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.404 / Pcs. € 0.368 / Pcs. € 17.20 / Pcs. € 0.344 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 14.02 /Pcs.€ 0.28/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165530![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 15.001 / Pcs. € 0.30 / Pcs. € 14.02 / Pcs. € 0.28 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.12 /Pcs.€ 0.021/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 641740![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.268 / Pcs. € 0.023 / Pcs. € 2.12 / Pcs. € 0.021 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.05 /Pcs.€ 0.016/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 805260![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.614 / Pcs. € 0.017 / pack € 8.05 / Pcs. € 0.016 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.52 /Pcs.€ 0.127/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400400![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.626 / Pcs. € 0.136 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 19.06 /Pcs.€ 1.588/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 260103![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 20.394 / Pcs. € 1.700 / m € 19.06 / Pcs. € 1.588 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.27 /Pcs.€ 0.106/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400300![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.359 / Pcs. € 0.113 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 11.57 /Pcs.€ 0.116/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165512![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 12.38 / Pcs. € 0.124 / Pcs. € 11.57 / Pcs. € 0.116 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 23.17 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 169724![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 24.792 / Pcs. € 23.17 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.33 /Pcs.€ 0.013/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 641720![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.423 / Pcs. € 0.014 / Pcs. € 1.33 / Pcs. € 0.013 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 34.30 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164301![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 36.701 / Pcs. € 34.30 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 33.48 /Pcs.€ 2.790/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 260106![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 35.824 / Pcs. € 2.985 / m € 33.48 / Pcs. € 2.790 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.77 /Pcs.€ 0.064/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400100![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.824 / Pcs. € 0.069 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.33 /Pcs.€ 0.083/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165312![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.913 / Pcs. € 0.089 / Pcs. € 8.33 / Pcs. € 0.083 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗