| € 49.39 /m€ 0.049/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107040
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 52.847 / m € 0.053 / Pcs. € 49.39 / m € 0.049 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.35 /Pcs.€ 0.196/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100250
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.515 / Pcs. € 0.210 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 26.57 /Pcs.€ 0.266/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 163923
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 28.43 / Pcs. € 0.284 / Pcs. € 26.57 / Pcs. € 0.266 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.09 /m€ 0.028/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107020
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.056 / m € 0.03 / Pcs. € 28.09 / m € 0.028 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.69 /Pcs.€ 0.14/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100230
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.24 /m€ 0.022/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 141605
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.397 / m € 0.024 / pack
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 6.01 /Pcs.€ 0.012/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 190144
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.431 / Pcs. € 0.013 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.76 /Pcs.€ 0.018/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 169120
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 9.373 / Pcs. € 0.019 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.41 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 160555
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.439 / Pcs. € 0.41 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.80 /m€ 0.058/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 141630
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.206 / m € 0.062 / pack
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.26 /Pcs.€ 0.009/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 190141
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.558 / Pcs. € 0.009 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 6.56 /Pcs.€ 0.013/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165124
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 7.019 / Pcs. € 0.014 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.56 /Pcs.€ 0.006/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 161105
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.879 / Pcs. € 0.006 / Pcs. € 4.56 / Pcs. € 0.006 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 41.40 /Pcs.€ 0.414/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165103
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 44.298 / Pcs. € 0.443 / Pcs. € 41.40 / Pcs. € 0.414 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.89 /Pcs.€ 0.074/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100210
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.952 / Pcs. € 0.079 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 21.50 /Pcs.€ 0.043/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 167602
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 23.005 / Pcs. € 0.046 / m € 21.50 / Pcs. € 0.043 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.65 /Pcs.€ 0.307/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164903
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.796 / Pcs. € 0.328 / Pcs. € 30.65 / Pcs. € 0.307 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 71.12 /Pcs.€ 5.927/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 104813
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 76.098 / Pcs. € 6.342 / m € 71.12 / Pcs. € 5.927 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.41 /Pcs.€ 0.035/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 167402
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.629 / Pcs. € 0.037 / m € 17.41 / Pcs. € 0.035 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.32 /Pcs.€ 0.017/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 190146
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.902 / Pcs. € 0.018 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.07 /Pcs.€ 2.339/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 161502
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.035 / Pcs. € 2.503 / m € 28.07 / Pcs. € 2.339 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.95 /m€ 0.030/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 141610
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.157 / m € 0.032 / pack
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 104.95 /Pcs.€ 1.050/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165604
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 112.297 / Pcs. € 1.123 / Pcs. € 104.95 / Pcs. € 1.050 / Pcs.
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.82 /Pcs.€ 0.235/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100260
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.017 / Pcs. € 0.251 / m
inc. VAT  excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗