| € 4.91 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646208
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.254 / Pcs. € 4.91 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 25.32 /Pcs.€ 0.05/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 167114
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 27.092 / Pcs. € 0.054 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 22.76 /Pcs.€ 1.897/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220710
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 24.353 / Pcs. € 2.029 / m € 22.76 / Pcs. € 1.897 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.25 /pcs€ 0.063/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100120
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.338 / pcs € 0.067 / Pcs. € 1.25 / pcs € 0.063 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 11.28 /Pcs.€ 0.113/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164240
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 12.07 / Pcs. € 0.12 / pack € 11.28 / Pcs. € 0.113 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.12 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100160
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.338 / Pcs. € 3.12 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 6.44 /Pcs.€ 0.537/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 752003
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.891 / Pcs. € 0.574 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 49.39 /m€ 0.049/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107040
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 52.847 / m € 0.053 / Pcs. € 49.39 / m € 0.049 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.22 /Pcs.€ 0.435/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 752002
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.585 / Pcs. € 0.465 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.09 /m€ 0.028/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107020
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.056 / m € 0.03 / Pcs. € 28.09 / m € 0.028 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.38 /Pcs.€ 0.035/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 132614
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.597 / Pcs. € 0.037 / m € 17.38 / Pcs. € 0.035 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.08 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100140
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.226 / Pcs. € 2.08 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.77 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646206
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.034 / Pcs. € 3.77 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 13.01 /Pcs.€ 1.084/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 752008
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 13.921 / Pcs. € 1.16 / m € 13.01 / Pcs. € 1.084 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 126.60 /Pcs.€ 0.253/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164004
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 135.462 / Pcs. € 0.27 / m € 126.60 / Pcs. € 0.253 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 10.08 /Pcs.€ 0.84/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 752006
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 10.786 / Pcs. € 0.899 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 68.11 /Pcs.€ 0.136/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 163804
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 72.878 / Pcs. € 0.146 / m € 68.11 / Pcs. € 0.136 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.62 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646204
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.803 / Pcs. € 2.62 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.94 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646260
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 33.106 / Pcs. € 30.94 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 33.23 /Pcs.€ 0.066/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133014
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 35.556 / Pcs. € 0.071 / m € 33.23 / Pcs. € 0.066 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 70.02 /Pcs.€ 5.835/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220760
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 74.921 / Pcs. € 6.243 / m € 70.02 / Pcs. € 5.835 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 10.69 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646220
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 11.438 / Pcs. € 10.69 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 23.39 /Pcs.€ 0.047/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 132914
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 25.027 / Pcs. € 0.05 / m € 23.39 / Pcs. € 0.047 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 49.50 /Pcs.€ 4.125/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220740
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 52.965 / Pcs. € 4.414 / m € 49.50 / Pcs. € 4.125 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗