| € 1.52 /Pcs.€ 0.127/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400400
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.626 / Pcs. € 0.136 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.39 /Pcs.€ 0.024/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 102705
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.557 / Pcs. € 0.026 / pack € 2.39 / Pcs. € 0.024 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.51 /Pcs.€ 0.175/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166112
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.736 / Pcs. € 0.187 / pack € 17.51 / Pcs. € 0.175 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 60.05 /m€ 0.06/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107050
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 64.254 / m € 0.064 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.48 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646202
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.584 / Pcs. € 1.48 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| |
Art.: 130005
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.584 / Pcs. € 1.48 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 20.96 /Pcs.€ 0.210/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166412
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 22.427 / Pcs. € 0.224 / pack € 20.96 / Pcs. € 0.210 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.07 /Pcs.€ 2.339/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 161502
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.035 / Pcs. € 2.503 / m € 28.07 / Pcs. € 2.339 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 38.74 /m€ 0.039/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107030
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 41.452 / m € 0.041 / Pcs. € 38.74 / m € 0.039 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 27.74 /Pcs.€ 0.555/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166541
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 29.682 / Pcs. € 0.594 / Pcs. € 27.74 / Pcs. € 0.555 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.89 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100133
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.952 / Pcs. € 0.89 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 52.80 /Pcs.€ 2.640/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166869
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 56.496 / Pcs. € 2.825 / Pcs. € 52.80 / Pcs. € 2.640 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.46 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646209
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.842 / Pcs. € 5.46 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.68 /Pcs.€ 0.047/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 102720
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.008 / Pcs. € 0.05 / pack € 4.68 / Pcs. € 0.047 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 0.84 /Pcs.€ 0.070/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400200
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 0.899 / Pcs. € 0.075 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 36.59 /Pcs.€ 1.830/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166669
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 39.151 / Pcs. € 1.958 / Pcs. € 36.59 / Pcs. € 1.830 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.33 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646207
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.633 / Pcs. € 4.33 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| |
Art.: 130003
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.633 / Pcs. € 4.33 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.77 /Pcs.€ 0.028/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 102710
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.964 / Pcs. € 0.030 / pack € 2.77 / Pcs. € 0.028 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 13.98 /Pcs.€ 0.028/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164260
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 14.959 / Pcs. € 0.030 / m € 13.98 / Pcs. € 0.028 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 18.66 /Pcs.€ 0.187/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166212
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 19.966 / Pcs. € 0.200 / pack € 18.66 / Pcs. € 0.187 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 6.25 /Pcs.€ 0.52/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168512
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.688 / Pcs. € 0.557 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 12.78 /m€ 0.013/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 162023
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.44 /m€ 0.017/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107010
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.661 / m € 0.019 / Pcs. € 17.44 / m € 0.017 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.06 /Pcs.€ 0.422/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168312
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.414 / Pcs. € 0.451 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 16.07 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646230
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 17.195 / Pcs. € 16.07 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 23.57 /Pcs.€ 1.179/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166469
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 25.22 / Pcs. € 1.261 / Pcs. € 23.57 / Pcs. € 1.179 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.18 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646205
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.403 / Pcs. € 3.18 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| |
Art.: 130010
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.403 / Pcs. € 3.18 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 11.28 /Pcs.€ 0.113/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164240
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 12.07 / Pcs. € 0.12 / pack € 11.28 / Pcs. € 0.113 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 14.09 /m€ 0.14/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 151230
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 15.076 / m € 0.15 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.04 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646203
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.183 / Pcs. € 2.04 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| |
Art.: 130006
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.183 / Pcs. € 2.04 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 70.69 /m€ 0.07/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 107060
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 75.638 / m € 0.076 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 23.20 /Pcs.€ 0.232/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166512
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 24.824 / Pcs. € 0.248 / pack € 23.20 / Pcs. € 0.232 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.05 /Pcs.€ 2.504/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 161602
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.154 / Pcs. € 2.680 / m € 30.05 / Pcs. € 2.504 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.24 /Pcs.€ 0.27/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168112
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.467 / Pcs. € 0.289 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.63 /Pcs.€ 0.136/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400500
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.744 / Pcs. € 0.145 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 16.02 /Pcs.€ 0.80/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166169
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 17.141 / Pcs. € 0.857 / Pcs. € 16.02 / Pcs. € 0.80 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.72 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646210
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.12 / Pcs. € 5.72 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.10 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 100233
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.177 / Pcs. € 1.10 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.27 /Pcs.€ 0.106/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400300
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.359 / Pcs. € 0.113 / m
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.10 /Pcs.€ 0.081/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 102730
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.667 / Pcs. € 0.087 / pack € 8.10 / Pcs. € 0.081 / pack
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.91 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646208
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.254 / Pcs. € 4.91 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| |
Art.: 130004
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.254 / Pcs. € 4.91 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 39.73 /Pcs.€ 1.987/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166769
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 42.511 / Pcs. € 2.126 / Pcs. € 39.73 / Pcs. € 1.987 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.60 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 406001
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 9.202 / Pcs. € 8.60 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.02 /Pcs.€ 0.60/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166542
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.121 / Pcs. € 0.642 / Pcs. € 30.02 / Pcs. € 0.60 / Pcs.
inc. VAT excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗