| € 22.94 /Pcs.€ 1.912/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220510![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 24.546 / Pcs. € 2.046 / m € 22.94 / Pcs. € 1.912 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 28.86 /Pcs.€ 0.289/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133615![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 30.88 / Pcs. € 0.309 / Pcs. € 28.86 / Pcs. € 0.289 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.77 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646206![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.034 / Pcs. € 3.77 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 14.09 /m€ 0.14/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 151230![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 15.076 / m € 0.15 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 25.48 /Pcs.€ 0.255/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133610![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 27.264 / Pcs. € 0.273 / Pcs. € 25.48 / Pcs. € 0.255 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.62 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646204![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.803 / Pcs. € 2.62 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 15.65 /Pcs.€ 0.313/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165071![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 16.746 / Pcs. € 0.335 / Pcs. € 15.65 / Pcs. € 0.313 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.94 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646260![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 33.106 / Pcs. € 30.94 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 6.56 /Pcs.€ 0.013/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164612![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 7.019 / Pcs. € 0.014 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 27.98 /Pcs.€ 0.056/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 163723![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 29.939 / Pcs. € 0.060 / m € 27.98 / Pcs. € 0.056 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 18.66 /Pcs.€ 0.187/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166212![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 19.966 / Pcs. € 0.200 / pack € 18.66 / Pcs. € 0.187 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 77.82 /Pcs.€ 6.485/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220560![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 83.267 / Pcs. € 6.939 / m € 77.82 / Pcs. € 6.485 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 58.70 /Pcs.€ 0.587/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168830![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 62.809 / Pcs. € 0.628 / Pcs. € 58.70 / Pcs. € 0.587 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 65.520 /Pcs.€ 0.131/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166914![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 70.106 / Pcs. € 0.14 / m € 65.520 / Pcs. € 0.131 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 10.69 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646220![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 11.438 / Pcs. € 10.69 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.48 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646202![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.584 / Pcs. € 1.48 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.02 /Pcs.€ 0.60/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166542![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.121 / Pcs. € 0.642 / Pcs. € 30.02 / Pcs. € 0.60 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 75.28 /Pcs.€ 0.753/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165050![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 80.55 / Pcs. € 0.806 / Pcs. € 75.28 / Pcs. € 0.753 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 8.33 /Pcs.€ 0.017/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164912![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 8.913 / Pcs. € 0.018 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 25.49 /Pcs.€ 0.510/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166540![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 27.274 / Pcs. € 0.545 / Pcs. € 25.49 / Pcs. € 0.510 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 23.20 /Pcs.€ 0.232/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166512![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 24.824 / Pcs. € 0.248 / pack € 23.20 / Pcs. € 0.232 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 126.60 /Pcs.€ 0.253/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164004![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 135.462 / Pcs. € 0.27 / m € 126.60 / Pcs. € 0.253 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 53.99 /Pcs.€ 4.499/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220540![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 57.769 / Pcs. € 4.814 / m € 53.99 / Pcs. € 4.499 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 43.58 /Pcs.€ 0.436/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168820![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 46.631 / Pcs. € 0.466 / Pcs. € 43.58 / Pcs. € 0.436 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.46 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646209![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.842 / Pcs. € 5.46 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.33 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646207![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 4.633 / Pcs. € 4.33 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 30.61 /Pcs.€ 2.55/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220520![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 32.753 / Pcs. € 2.729 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 37.78 /Pcs.€ 0.378/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168815![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 40.425 / Pcs. € 0.404 / Pcs. € 37.78 / Pcs. € 0.378 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 7.85 /Pcs.€ 0.016/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 164712![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 19.80 /Pcs.€ 0.198/pack The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166312![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 21.186 / Pcs. € 0.212 / pack € 19.80 / Pcs. € 0.198 / pack
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 68.11 /Pcs.€ 0.136/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 163804![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 72.878 / Pcs. € 0.146 / m € 68.11 / Pcs. € 0.136 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 84.89 /Pcs.€ 0.170/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 167014![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 90.832 / Pcs. € 0.182 / m € 84.89 / Pcs. € 0.170 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 16.07 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646230![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 17.195 / Pcs. € 16.07 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 1.06 /Pcs.€ 0.01/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 400800![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 1.134 / Pcs. € 0.011 / Pcs. € 1.06 / Pcs. € 0.01 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 22.38 /Pcs.€ 0.045/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133605![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 23.947 / Pcs. € 0.048 / m € 22.38 / Pcs. € 0.045 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 3.18 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646205![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 3.403 / Pcs. € 3.18 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 17.20 /Pcs.€ 0.344/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165072![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 18.404 / Pcs. € 0.368 / Pcs. € 17.20 / Pcs. € 0.344 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 32.260 /Pcs.€ 0.323/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 168810![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 34.518 / Pcs. € 0.345 / Pcs. € 32.260 / Pcs. € 0.323 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 2.04 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646203![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 2.183 / Pcs. € 2.04 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 14.02 /Pcs.€ 0.28/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165070![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 15.001 / Pcs. € 0.30 / Pcs. € 14.02 / Pcs. € 0.28 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 88.67 /Pcs.€ 0.887/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 165060![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 94.877 / Pcs. € 0.949 / Pcs. € 88.67 / Pcs. € 0.887 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 58.06 /Pcs.€ 0.116/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 166814![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 62.124 / Pcs. € 0.124 / m € 58.06 / Pcs. € 0.116 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 5.72 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646210![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 6.12 / Pcs. € 5.72 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 62.99 /Pcs.€ 5.249/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220550![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 67.399 / Pcs. € 5.617 / m € 62.99 / Pcs. € 5.249 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 44.88 /Pcs.€ 0.449/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133630![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 48.022 / Pcs. € 0.48 / Pcs. € 44.88 / Pcs. € 0.449 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 4.91 /Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 646208![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 5.254 / Pcs. € 4.91 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 40.02 /Pcs.€ 3.335/m The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 220530![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 42.821 / Pcs. € 3.568 / m € 40.02 / Pcs. € 3.335 / m
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗
| € 33.32 /Pcs.€ 0.333/Pcs. The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product |
Art.: 133620![Copy](/img/copypaste.png)
Manuf.: BAKS
| |
PRICE€ 35.652 / Pcs. € 0.357 / Pcs. € 33.32 / Pcs. € 0.333 / Pcs.
inc. VAT ![](/img/nswbt1.png) excl. VAT The price is for informational purposes. Exact prices are available upon request for specific quantities and projects with other product ✗